A guest blog-post by Andrew Lucien of The Civil War Center (thecivilwarcenter.com). Ulysses S. Grant has long been accused of…
Vicksburg campaign
Here’s an intriguing discovery by E. Joseph Murphy of Scranton, Pennsylvania, which I gratefully discovered thanks to his Twitter account,…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. On July 4, 1863, the Confederate garrison in Vicksburg, Mississippi, surrendered to Major…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. On July 3, 1863, Ulysses S. Grant’s siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, reached its…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. On June 25, 1863, commander of the U.S. Army of the Tennessee, Major…
American Civil War, Western Theatre, Vicksburg campaign. By June 24, 1863, the siege of Vicksburg, Mississippi, had lasted some 33…
American Civil War, Western Theatre, Vicksburg campaign. Before dawn on June 7, 1863, 1,500 Confederate soldiers from Texas attacked the…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. Ulysses S. Grant’s May 19 and May 22 assaults on Vicksburg both failed. Ron…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. Ulysses S. Grant’s May 19 and May 22 assaults on Vicksburg both failed,…
Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. On May 22, 1863, Major General Ulysses S. Grant ordered a second assault against the…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg campaign. After his victories in route to his main objective of the Southern strategic…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg Campaign. The Battle of Raymond, Mississippi, on May 12, 1863, altered Major General Ulysses…
American Civil War, Western Theater, Vicksburg Campaign. The Battle of Raymond occurred on May 12, 1863, during Ulysses S. Grant’s campaign…